Elite is a leading provider of global logistics & supply chain management solutions.
Since its founding in 1991 Elite has built a strong position in the forwarding industry by specializing in the worldwide logistics and transportation of all types of products. Gradually Elite extended its service portfolio with other value added services, such as complete documentation management, freight procurement management, specific customer service activities to name but a few.
Our entire operation is designed to meet the critical demands of the shipper. Extensive knowledge of the market, continuous technological advancement and investment in professional, knowledgeable and reliable staff with a keen sense of our customers’ business objectives remain our primary goals.
Our global network of offices ensures close contact with local production facilities and hauliers/carriers, short response times, country specific regulatory compliance and streamlined communication between all parties.
ISO9001 CERTIFICATESCertificato 1Certificato 2 AEO AUTHORIZATIONAttestato AEO |
Please download here the CLAIM FORM or here the CUSTOMER SATISFACTION QUESTIONNAIRE Once filled up please send via fax to 010.2475052 or via email to info@elitespeid.it Alternatively, fill the on line form for any other request: you will be re contacted soon. |
INFORMATIVA AI SENSI E PER GLI EFFETTI DELL'ARTICOLO 13 D.Lgs. 196/2003 I dati raccolti tramite questo modulo verranno trattati allo scopo di fornire il servizio richiesto e per finalità amministrative. I dati verranno trattati con modalità cartacee e informatizzate; il conferimento dei dati richiesti è necessario per l'erogazione del servizio richiesto ed il loro mancato conferimento comporterà l'impossibilità a completare la relativa procedura. ELITE Speid non diffonderà, ma comunicherà i Suoi dati ad incaricati, consulenti e responsabili. Potrà richiedere la cancellazione, l'integrazione e la rettifica dei Suoi dati ed esercitare i diritti di cui all'art. 7 D.Lgs. 196/03, presso la nostra sede in Via E. Raggio, 3/12 – 16124 Genova |
Via Edilio Raggio 3/2 16124 Genova Phone 010 2475053 Fax 010 2475052 Mail info@elitespeid.it